Sunday, January 3, 2010

New Entrepreneurial Management Seminars Starting May 2011

I frequently  receive requests to assist senior management in understanding today's market changes, new strategic directions and related strategy management issues. Looking at today's business environment, we can cite many examples - here are some perspectives I frequently share.
Today’s explosive Entrepreneurial Age is morphing markets, companies, technologies and industry sectors. Emerging companies are creating new businesses; traditional companies are holding on to survive, and today’s business thinking is challenged. Most struggle to understand what is happening and where we are heading.

Look at Dell, Microsoft, Home Depot, Apple, and Starbucks. All created new market sectors or dramatically reshaped existing ones. All launched as entrepreneurial ventures in the past thirty five years, some even started in a garage. 

Consider the Google revolution. Founded in 1998 by two Stanford university students, started as a basic search engine, ramped up sales to $22 billion in 2008, and achieved a market cap of about $96 billion in January 2009. Compare that to